A short note on male infertility

A short note on male infertility [Dr. Sujoy Dasgupta] Causes of Male Infertility Inadequate Sperm Production, Block in Sperm conducting duct, Sexual Dysfunction Lifestyle- smoking, drugs, obesity Usual Investigations Semen Analysis (At least twice), Evaluation of Testicular Size, Hormone Tests in blood, Ultrasound, Chromosomal Analysis (Blood) Treatment options Life Style Changes, Medicines- Natural Conception, IUI- self sperm, IVF/ ICSI- self sperm, Donor-IUI How Sperms can be collected? Self-Manipulation,Vibroejaculation,From Urine (Retrograde Ejaculation), From Testes/ Epididymes (Biopsy or needle) Author: Gyn. Infertility & Sexual Dysfunction specialist Genome fertility centre Kolkata, India

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